If you want to simulate traditional sequencer workflow you can use ' Track Mode'. For example, a single Pattern Clip on a single Playlist track, could trigger every Channel Rack instrument, and so all Mixer tracks if they were routed accordingly. This also means Clip Tracks are not bound to Mixer tracks, rather Channel Rack to Mixer routing of instruments used by Clips decides the Mixer track/s that are used.īy default Instrument Channels are bound to Mixer tracks, not Playlist tracks.
When the play-head reaches a Clip, FL Studio plays whatever the Clip instructs it to do. Clips function like notes in the Piano roll. You can put any Clip type anywhere and even overlay Clips. Unlike most other sequencers, the Playlist tracks are not bound to a single instrument, audio recording or even Clip type.
The Playlist window is a stack of multi-purpose 'Clip Tracks' that can hold Pattern Clips, Audio Clips and Automation Clips. The Playlist sequences (plays) all elements of the project to make the final song.